Finished artworks in 2019

After the Rain, 2019
(looking down on Sonoma Valley)
acrylic on giclée on canvas, 23" x 73" inches with shadow frame

Austria, 2018
(generation #3)
26" x 36" acrylic on giclée on canvas with shadow frame

Maxwell Farms, 2019
(generation #26)
41" x 33" acrylic on giclée on canvas with shadow frame

Stage Coach Gulch, 2019
18 " x 73" acrylic on giclée on canvas with shadow frame

Stage Coach Gulch 2, 2019
25" x 31"
acrylic on giclée on canvas with shadow frame

Sonoma Hills, 2019
16" x 41" acrylic on giclée on canvas with shadow frame